Friday, November 11, 2016

Wild and domestic parrot eating habits

Wild and domestic parrot eating habits: Parrots are omnivores; therefore, they eat both insects and plant material...

What do wild parrots eat?

Parrots are omnivores; therefore, they eat both insects and plant material, such as nuts, flowers, fruit, buds and seeds. Seeds and nuts are often their favorites, and they use their strong jaws to break open shells and hulls.
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Some species use their longer beaks to dig insects out of the ground and chew vegetation to drink the juices. Lories and lorikeets are adapted for feeding on soft fruits and flower nectar. A few species of parrots sometimes eat animal remains and carrion, while others have been seen robbing eggs from other birds’ nests. The wild parrot’s diet changes according to what is available in nature, and most species adapt easily to changing food sources.
So hard to imagine? Take a view at some funny pics to know more.

Image result for Parrots

What kind of food do parrots eat?

Wild parrots eat fruit, flowers, buds, nuts, seeds and some small insects, while domestic parrots eat seed or pellet mixes, fresh vegetables, fruits and animal-based protein. Seed and pellet mixes made specifically for domestic parrots consist of many types of grains and seeds.

Domestic parrots enjoy dark leafy greens, various squashes, carrots, brown rice and oats. They also enjoy moderate amounts of unseasoned fish, chicken and turkey. The best fruits for parrots contain foods with high amounts of vitamin A, such as mangoes, papayas, and pomegranates. Wild parrots live in warm climates throughout the world, but many are endangered species. Despite this, the popularity of the parrot continues to drive illegal sales.

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

Frog and shark facts for kids

Following are some amazing facts about frogs and sharks and some of their funny pics that can make you surprise 

Fun Facts about Frogs

5. Frogs sleep with their eyes open.

4. One of the funny animal facts about frogs is that in 2014, 14 new species of dancing frogs has been discovered.

3. It’s hard to sneak up on a frog. They can see in all directions at once.

2. Frog’s don’t drink water. They absorb it through their skin.

1. Male frogs use croaking to attract female frogs.
Learn all interesting facts you wanted right here.

Fun Facts about Sharks

5. Sharks never ran out of teeth. If any one of them is gone, another came forward from the rows and became backup teeth.

4. Sharks have very keen sense of hearing. It is proved by researchers that they can hear low pitch sound better below the range of human hearing.

3. The cartilage of shark is in use for the cure of cancer. But the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved cartilage as a treatment of cancer.

2. A shark can see through in the cloudy water because of its particular membrane present in its eye called tapetum lucidum. This feature helps a shark to prey in murky water.

1. It is very alarming fact about sharks; some sharks eat their unborn siblings. They eat them because they are looking for nutrition to maintain their survival.

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Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Top 25 fun food facts

Wondering what’s interesting about food and nutrition you use everyday? Check here for answer:

1. Each parts of the world have their own local cuisine. The diets and general food habits of various cultures depend on social, religious, economic and safety factors as well as the availability of various foods.

2. Ortharexia Nervosa is an eating disorder where the sufferer is obsessed with eating healthy food.

3. Ketchup was used as a medicine in the 1800s to treat diarrhea, among other things.

4. Apples, pears, cherries and strawberries are all members of the rose family.

5. To make jelly beans shiny, shellac is used, which is made from Kerria lacca insect excretions.

6. Cutting onions releases a gas which causes a stinging sensation when it comes into contact with your eyes. Your body produces tears to dilute the irritant and remove it from your eyes.

7. If you want to speed up the ripening of a pineapple, so that you can eat it faster, then you can do it by standing it upside down (on the leafy end).

8. In the United States, lettuce is the second most popular fresh vegetable.

9. One fast food hamburger may contain meat from 100 different cows.

10. Around 8% of children and 2% of adults have some kind of food allergy, this occurs when the body’s immune system incorrectly assumes a certain food protein is harmful and attacks it. Common examples of food allergies include reactions to peanuts, gluten and shellfish.

11. The most expensive fruit in the world is the Japanese Yubari cantaloupe, and two melons once sold at auction for $23,500.

12. To add nutrition, a lot of milk, juice, and yogurts enrich the food with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids. In other words, your OJ contains fish oil.

13. The world’s oldest chocolates are 106 years old. A tin of chocolates from the coronation of King Edward VII from 1902.

14. Sugar is the only taste that humans are born craving.

15. Drying fruit causes massive nutrient loss, depleting 30-80% of its vitamin and antioxidant content.

16. Some studies showed that imported produce from the supermarket can have higher nutrient levels than local produce from a farmers’ market.

17. Cooked vegetables can be more nutritious than raw ones. It depends on the vegetable, the nutrient and the cooking method.

18. There is a factoflife fact that if you were to eat an apple a day, it would take you over 27 years to try them all.

19. Apples float in water, because 25% of their volume is made of air.

20. The largest item on any menu in the world is the roast camel.

21. Pearls melt in vinegar.

22. If you boil beetroot in water, and then massage the water into your scalp each night, it works as an effective cure for dandruff.

23. One of the most hydrating foods to eat is the cucumber, which is 96% water. It may seem to be as both food and drink.

24. An average American will eat the equivalent of 28 pigs in their lifetime.

25. Eating vegetables along with fat can help the body better absorb their nutrients. So using a dressing with fat may make a salad with tomatoes and carrots, which are high in fat-soluble carotenoids, more nutritious than using a fat-free one or skipping the dressing altogether.

Check for more other facts, amazing science facts, animals facts and much more

Monday, September 26, 2016

What Do Fish Eat?

There are multiple answers to the question, “What do fish eat?” because the answer will depend on what type of fish is doing the eating. Because there is a huge range of fish to consider, from pet fish in a bowl or a tank to fish in the ocean, it will be important to cover, briefly, all the different types and their food. You may find the information very interesting, and you may learn something that you never knew before!
Pet Fish
Pet fish, in a bowl or a tank, typically only need food that you can purchase in a pet store. This food comes in flakes or granules, and a pinch or two a day of the food will usually be enough for the common everyday pet fish. Some larger pet fish enjoy worms for food, and you can find those worms at pet stores, too. If you purchase a slug fish, don’t worry about food for that pet because slugs feed off of the algae in the tank or bowl. As long as algae forms inside, the slug will have more than enough to eat!
Ocean Fish
Fish in the ocean have different preferences depending on size and kind. The most common food for fish in the ocean to eat are plankton, copepods and krill. Plankton is the most readily available food in the ocean, but more specifically, plankton is good for fish because it is small and easy for fish to digest. If plankton is not readily available, fish are definitely able to improvise.
Caribbean reef shark eating lionfish
Caribbean reef shark eating a lionfish. Photo by Ocean Fox.
They eat what is available
Depending on their location, a fish will eat whatever is nearby. Usually there will seaweed or other sea plants nearby that they can munch on. For fish that don’t eat plants, they can feed on other animals such as octopuses, squids, lobsters, crabs, shrimps, krill, sea slugs, sea worms, sea urchins, sea snails, clams, mussels, starfish, jellyfish, seahorses, rays, schooling fish (salmon and anchovies) and smaller fish. The largest fish in the world, the whale shark feed on plankton, fish eggs, crab larvae and copepods. Fish are definitely not as picky about their food has humans are!
Diets for specific fish

  1. Catfish
  2. Eels
  3. Minnows
  4. Salmon
  5. Seahorses
  6. Sharks
  7. Stingrays
  8. Sturgeons

Friday, August 12, 2016

How to prevent snake bites?

If you are a person who love to know animal facts and want to know more, the below article is for you. Here is the steps to prevent snake from biting?

1. Learn which snakes may be native to the area you are visiting and familiarize yourself with their habits before you head out hiking or camping.
When learning about the snakes in the area where you live or are visiting, become familiar with which ones are venomous and which are not. Again, while you certainly want to avoid all snake bites, you'll want to understand the differences and urgency levels in treating both kinds of bites.

2. Avoid areas where there is tall grass and brush. Try to stay on trails or clear areas where you can see where you step. If you must go into tall grass or brush, use a long stick to probe the area before stepping into it.

3. Resist sticking a hand or foot into a crevasse or hole. Snakes often curl up in dark places like holes in fallen timber or in hidden spots among boulders. Avoid snake bites by looking carefully wherever you step or place your hand. This is especially true when rock climbing or exploring in caves.

4. Realize that snakes can climb trees. Be careful while walking under low hanging branches, or when climbing up a tree as you could easily mistake a snake for a branch.

5. Dress in protective clothing when you are out in the wilderness. Wear heavy boots and long pants.

6. Make camp in areas where snakes are less likely to be. Don't camp near large logs, rocky areas or tall grass. Snakes are usually nocturnal so you will want to be especially careful at night. Zip your tent up tightly and keep your boots or shoes inside with you. Sleep on a cot when possible. Use a flashlight to check inside shoes and the floor of the tent before you venture out at night to use the latrine or portable toilet.

7. Be cautious when swimming, wading or fishing in lakes or rivers, especially after heavy rains. Water snakes are venomous and you could be in dire need of help very quickly if bitten.

8. Ensure that your family and pets are protected from possible encounters with snakes around your home.
Keep your yard and adjacent property mowed. Trim hedges and clear brush to discourage snakes from taking up residence near your home.
Keep your children from playing in areas where snakes could be hiding. Discourage them from going to nearby vacant lots where there is high grass and brush.
Use an implement when gathering firewood from an outdoor stack or when working with brush or lumber.
Use extreme care in the summer during drought conditions. Snakes will seek water around your garden hose, swimming pool, or under your air conditioning unit.

9. Take precautions if you own a snake to avoid being bitten.
Most bites happen during feeding time. Use a snake hook to avoid having to grab your snake with your hands.
Choose a docile snake as a pet. Corn snakes and ball pythons have reputations as snakes that are reluctant to bite.
Don't handle your snake after having touched prey, such as mice, while the scent is still on your hands.

10. Use caution when approaching a snake you think might be dead. Recently killed snakes still can move reflexively and even bite. Also a snake may look dead, but simply be lying very still as it suns itself.

Learn more: science facts for kids
Posted by didyouknowfunny